design 3 : fantasy scenario Purification Purification of rainwater, greywater, and wastewater will be distributed throughout the site and completed through various technologies depending on the type of waste stream. Floating helophyte filters (beds of floating wetlands) are potentially a good option for house-scale greywater purification, and can also potentially satisfy some of our biodiversity objectives. A Living Machine or Solar Aquatics system are both interesting to consider for full cycle water purification for certain organic streams. Using algae for wastewater treatment is an interesting option, since the algae can be converted into a uniform fertilizer for food production on site. More advanced water purification technologies can also be piloted on the site. A persistent problem in wastewater treatment is the presence of estrogen disrupters and pharmaceuticals. Advanced biological treatment systems are currently being developed to deal with these problems, though none have been deployed on a large scale. We are investigating options for microbial water treatment technologies that could be tested on site. Another potential organism for bioremediation is Geobacter, a genus of protobacteria that can oxidize organic compounds and metals, including iron, radioactive metals, and petroleum compounds into CO2 WASTE Solid One option for household solid waste collection is to explore house-scale vacuum waste collection. Vacuum waste collection Algae production by AlgaeParc, Wageningen UR. Mycelium Building Materials Wisteria Tunnels: inspiration for the jetty / walkways “Biolight” by Philips Netherlands Design and Lighting: a bioluminescent lamp powered by digester sludge. while using iron oxide as an electron acceptor. It would be interesting to explore ways to remove contaminants from phytoremediation using Geobactor. Pagina 138
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