In the following pages, we describe the three conceptual scenarios that we developed as a result of our technical design workshop on October 31st, 2012. The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) scenario images what can be achieved with minimal funding and a higher level of participation. The Proven Technology scenario uses only commercially available systems. The Fantasy scenario showcases the “playground” aspect of the Cleantech Playground, incorporating many technologies that are still in development. For each scenario, we have made a sketch that provides an artist’s impression of how aspects of the environment might look and feel. We have included the an overview of the primary technologies in each scenario, and, where possible initial estimates related to flows, size, placement, cost, and operational implications. These scenarios served as three conceptual lenses for exploring the edge conditions of how a cleantech system on the site could work, provided us with a point of feedback, and informed our final design. Pagina 118

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