ing demand the route from the public road to also be accessible by wheelchair. In practice the steepness of the jetty or the gangway often make the implementation of this regulation impossible. The design of the hallway to the houses from the wharf, or the connection between the jetty and the entrance can be fixed or flexible (moving with the water-level). According to the building code the owner of the floating house may choose to set meter inside the house or on the wharf. The owner has to take care of the lines and pipes from 2cm outside of the external separating construct up to the meter, to enable the grid operator to make the connection. NEN2768 regulates where pipes and lines can be laid, however this law is not applicable to the context of living on water, thus the law is not clear on this aspect and creative solutions are necessary. SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES The laws on national level are based on the assumption of a status quo, legally represented as bouwbesluit 2012 and drinkwaterwet, elektriciteitswet 1998. However, these laws are not final, in the sense that many applicable to sustainable development indicate situations in which permits might be liſted. These are described in other regulations such as: regeling groen projecten 2010. There are also subsidy system to promote implementation of projects deemed sustainable and desirable on either national or municipal level such as: subsidie regeleing energie en innovatie. A bottom-up research of the applicable laws and regulations for the technologies researched in the technology scan has resulted in an exhaustive list of of laws. Not all may be relevant to the program, although they all deal in some way with the technologies that may be used in the final design of the Cleantech Playground. In the interest pragmatism, we looked at the permits required for the implementation of the most likely-used technologies indicated in the technology scan. These include: wind-energy, solar-energy, hydropower, biogas, geothermal-energy, heat-exchangers, bio-gas, composting, water purification, and rain water collection. These vary from general regulations to very specific rules. Regulations for most technologies depend on the scale of the implementation. Pagina 110

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