summary of tech regulations WIND ENERGY At right is a summary of the basic regulations that come into play in the selection of clean technologies. SOLAR COLLECTORS AND BOILERS HYDROPOWER A building-permit is required for construction of wind turbines. This is usually a municipal decision, but in the case that the municipality rejects the project it can also be requested on the provincial level. Larger scale projects need to comply with zoning laws (bestemmingsplan) and may need a permit (omgevingsvergunning). For roof installation, a building-permit may be required, available on the municipal level. A municipal building permit is generally needed for hydropower projects, sometimes exemption permit are required. These are provided by the local Waterboard or Ministry of Economic Affairs. BIOGAS A Wabo-permit (for management of the surroundings), building permit and environmentalpermit (bouw en milieu vergunning) bio-gasifier. are needed for the construction and operation of a GEOTHERMAL ENERGY HEAT EXCHANGERS PURIFICATION WATER RAINWATER COLLECTION For installation at a depth of more than 500 meters, a permit from the ministry of Economic Affairs is needed. For any drilling a Wabo-permit is needed. o No permits are required for ventilation heat exchangers. o Air-heat-exchanger outside homes require a municipal building permit. o No permits are required for house-hold scale closed-loop systems o Larger community level systems require attention to provincial groundwater regulations Water is regulated on a national scale. Permits are required for waste water-discharge. Water quality is regulated by the local water utility, and any decentralized systems need to get authorization through Waternet. For household water-collectors, no specific permits are required. Depending on the size of the construction, a building permit may be required. Pagina 108
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