site analysis > neighborhood RESIDENTS The number of residents of the area is low (646 on 1 January 2010) and mainly comprised of students (63%). However, this number is increasing and expected to grow to 11,000 people in 2030 (Stadsdeel Noord, 2010). These residents live in only 32 official housings, with student housings not counted because of their temporary nature. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES The sites are predominantly surrounded by office buildings and businesses. In the last decade there has been a major rise in business activities, with the number of business establishments rising 31% from 691 in 2000 to 904 in 2010 and the number of jobs rising 27% with 7,433 in 2000 to 9,471 in 2010. In these activities, consultancy and research are the largest sectors (see employment breakdown graphic at right). INFRASTRUCTURE The area of Buiksloterham has relatively weak accessibility to other parts of the city. Part of the plans for the area are thus improving the infrastructural network, which is expected to increase substantially with the projected completion of the North-South line subway system. parking is possible in the public domain. UTILITIES Electricity and gas are available for both sites. The grid is under control of grid operator company Liander (Liander N.V., 2012). A map of the area with all the cables and pipes and possible connection points was not acquired but such a map (max 500 m x 500m) can be acquired at a cost of €21.50 at the Dutch Land Registry Office Kadaster (Kadaster, 2012). The water system is under control of water company Waternet. COMMUNICATION The standard package for communication (no fiberglass) is available via KPN at both the Veldbiesstraat (Schoonschip) and the Korte Papaverweg (De Ceuvel). This standard package comprises television, telephone and Internet (download/upload-speed up to 40/4 Mb/s) is available. Drinking water systems as well as sewage water systems are available for both sites. Possible points for connection to the system are found for Schoonschip along the Vieldbesstraat and for De Ceuvel along the Korte Papaverweg. Five water outlets are situated nearby (<100 m), one in the Buiksloterkanaal, one in the Distelhaven and three in the Johan van Hasseltkanaal. Pagina 102
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