Management summary 43 ‘The Knowledge Kitchen’ Business Plan – Effective nutritional care for children with a chronic illness Nijboer, C. (Chris) (ChrisFit) et al InnovationNetwork Report No. 11.2.287, Utrecht, The Netherlands, December 2011 Investing in knowledge about effective nutritional care for children with a chronic illness by making use of the unique setting offered by ‘LZK schools’ (schools for chronically ill children). Healthy food for everyone Healthy food is indispensable for everyone and particularly for children with a chronic illness. Nutrition is one of the factors that can have a decisive influence on the development of an illness in childhood. Children with a chronic illness, such as diabetes, chronic digestive and kidney diseases, pulmonary diseases, food intolerance and allergies, often require specialist nutritional care. Many suffer from a suboptimal nutritional condition, which can lead to (further) decline and hospitalization with all the attendant medical, social and economic consequences. So how can nutritional care be improved to prevent this? Is the quality, variety and composition of the food we offer optimal? And how about the presentation of the food and the setting in which it is offered? How can nutritional care be kept up to standard in the transition from the hospital to the child’s everyday environment (at home and at school)? Can product innovation and a broader range of foods help to improve the nutritional condition of these children? Parents and the children themselves have the final responsibility for what they eat. Parents of a child with a chronic illness usually carry a disproportionate burden due to worry and stress about their child’s Pagina 48
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