Summary The agricultural sector as a significant energy provider? Weterings, R. (TNO) and G. Fonk (InnovationNetwork) InnovationNetwork Report No., Utrecht, The Netherlands, November 2011 As the manager of some 55% of the land area of the Netherlands, the agricultural sector plays a key role in the production of energy from solar, wind, biomass and (geo)thermal sources. The sector can therefore make a significant contribution to climate management. Moreover, the production of sustainable energy creates new economic opportunities for the sector, enabling it to reduce its own energy bills and to become a net supplier. The preparations for InnovationNetwork work programme 2011-2015 included a ‘quick scan’ designed to provide a better impression of the Dutch agricultural sector’s potential as an energy supplier. More recently, a number of scenario studies have been conducted and interviews have been held with key figures in both the agricultural and sustainable energy sectors. The scenario studies suggest that by 2020 the agricultural sector will be able to provide approximately ten per cent of the annual energy requirement using sustainable generation techniques and renewables. This is three times the sustainable energy output achieved by the sector in 2009. The theoretical potential is very much higher. The available scenarios assume the continuation of the current, relatively unfavourable market conditions for sustainable energy. They do not take into account any radical shifts in the market or in policy which might accelerate the development of innovative energy concepts. There are many actors involved in the field of sustainable energy, some within the agricultural sector itself. Even so, there has been little consideration of the opportunities which the sector can enjoy as a significant producer of sustainable energy. The quick scan has led to a number of suggestions for follow-up action which will enable these opportunities to be better exploited. The following recommendations are made: • Formulate an integrated vision of the agricultural company as a producer of both energy and resources. This will serve to ‘beckon’ the sector towards the desired future situation. 29 Pagina 29

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