To what extent is antibiotics-free farming economically feasible? Unfortunately, an estimate of the economic feasibility of antibioticsfree production cannot be given at this stage. The economic feasibility will improve if a separate and better-paid sales channel is guaranteed. The extra income can then be partly invested in improving the primary business. The most appropriate solutions and related costs will differ strongly between businesses. Individual farmers will look carefully at the costs and benefits before deciding to implement specific measures. As for new starting businesses which have already taken animal health on board in their stall design, operational processes and animal selection, antibiotics-free farming is probably always economically feasible. Follow-up to this project The outcomes of this project provide a sufficient basis for starting practical experiments with antibiotics-free production at farm level, while also broadening the scope to the chain. The measures matrix method can be tested and evaluated in practice. Existing chain parties can be approached to work out a concept for an antibiotics-free chain. 123 Pagina 133

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