Summary and conclusions 35 Opportunities for sidelines in the Dutch fishery sector – Lessons learned from Norway and Denmark Ybema, Sytse, Sustainovate Incl. InnovationNetwork Report No. 11.2.272, Utrecht, the Netherlands, Augus 2011 This report describes subsidiary activities in the Norwegian and Danish fishing industry, as well as the opportunities that are seen by various stakeholders in these countries. It turns out to be a market in full development, even in Norway. What has been achieved in Norway so far is nevertheless very relevant for the Dutch fisheries industry. Although currently success stories are still limited, it is clear that enterpreneurial fishermen are definitely capable of finding a niche in the ever expanding marine market without having to give up their fisheries activities. In Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands there is an increasing interest in opportunities for fishing vessels to fisheries-related activities at sea. In Norway, it’s mainly the large ocean trawlers that offer their services for fisheries research and offshore projects with a certain regularity, while in Denmark only a few small vessels are hired for coastal-related work. In the Netherlands only a few small trawlers (cutters) are hired for technical research and ecological surveys in the coastal zone. While translating these opportunities to the Dutch situation, the practical feasibility of these activities on board of Dutch fishing vessels has only been taken into account in a limited way. Many Dutch fishing vessels can simply not be equipped for expansion into activities other than simple data collection or inspection tasks: although Pagina 42
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