Summary 47 NeighbourhoodsForKids – towards neighbourhoods where children enjoy playing outside Zon, R.P. van InnovationNetwork Report no. 11.2.273, Utrecht, August 2011 In the past half year the NeighbourhoodsForKids concept was trialled in four pilot neighbourhoods in Amsterdam and Almere. The selected neighbourhoods all face considerable social and physical challenges. The added value of the concept partly consists of connecting the adult actors in the neighbourhood: the neighbourhood professionals who encourage children to play outdoors and thus achieve a communal focus that transcends individual interests. This is particularly impor tant in the complex dynamics with many actors in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. The concept has evolved during the acquisition of pilot neighbour hoods and the implementation of the pilots in 2010 in order to better meet the needs of the neighbourhoods. The objective and target group have remained intact: ‘To get more and different children playing outside more often’ while the resources can now be put to variable use in order to achieve the objective. These resources include an interactive website to facilitate the communication with and participation of the children and the presence of greenery in the neighbourhood that can make the local situation more mobility-friendly on the basis of visuali zed plans. It is still too early to say whether children are playing more outdoors. The first actions such as redesigning the playing field and the mobili zation of playing coaches are scheduled for the first half of 2011. A Pagina 54
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