V.1 internally. For example, plant waste is reused as mulch or fish feed, while animal wastes are processed into nutrient supplements. It also reduces the need for certain costly technological interventions. Rather than shading plants using mechanical screens, shade-loving plants are intercropped below plants with a high demand for direct sunlight. In a similar fashion, supplemental CO2 is provided by mushroom cultivation, chickens, and composting rather than by CO2 generators or the combustion of fossil fuels. Our design also takes advantage of temporal and spatial stacking, companion planting, and a number of other approaches that allow for greater production density than in any other cultivation method. A Community Asset On a socio-economic level, our model shows that this system is highly profitable. It allows for highdensity production, the capture of several high- value niche markets, and savings on a significant number of technological inputs. Furthermore, because even a small-scale Polydome system produces a broad range of consumable products, it is ideally suited to the emerging production demands of urban, peri-urban, and distributed agriculture. Where a typical meal currently consists of elements that have been produced in many different countries and shipped from around the world, this single system could provide a large part of local food needs for an entire community. Profits can also be increased by shrinking the length of the logistical chain associated with moving product from production to retail. Lastly, Polydome is designed to last a minimum of 30 years. This means that an investment can be made in its physical structure and appearance, ensuring that it provides a positive aesthetic contribution to the built environment. An Opportunity for Innovation This study was primarily commissioned to explore new pathways for Dutch greenhouse innovation. The Netherlands is the world’s leader in greenhouse technology and efficient greenhouse production. However, few innovations have appeared in recent years to signal a new direction for the sector’s development. The Polydome system represents a potentially exciting direction for the Dutch greenhouse sector: a way to expand and develop in an environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial way. Polydome: High Performance Polyculture Systems 9 Pagina 8
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