Optimizing the System P .4 lower density) over the temperate annual zone, which faces the south side of the greenhouse. In this greenhouse model schematic, we have left a strip empty at the left, which indicates where the tropical zone could have gone. It would also have had a gradient from high to low plants, following the north-south line. In this case, the space is assumed to be assigned for nursery functions, additional logistics, chicken zone, compost, supplementary equipment for the hydroponics facility, and any other functions that have not been placed elsewhere. It would also have been possible to stretch the temperate zone horizontally to fully fill the width of the graph, and locate these other service zones elsewhere. All of these elements have been sketched in a more realistic fashion in the visualizations, giving a sense of what the interior space might actually feel like. Summary of Annual Yields Category kg / year people supplied Modeling Economic Productivity The economic productivity of the greenhouse was modeled by taking the one-hectare schematic, and extrapolating yields per plant cluster per year. We modeled years one, three, and six in order to get a range of productivity values as the greenhouse reached maturity. The yields displayed in the chart on the left represent what can be expected from the greenhouse model in the sixth year of its operations, once all of the perennial crops have reached maturity. In year six, the average productivity per square meter is estimated at 78 kg of marketable product (having built in an estimate that 10 - 15% of each harvest will not be marketable). This is comparable to high-yielding Dutch tomato greenhouses, and represents a much larger variety of crops. The vast majority of the economic output comes from the hydroponic herbs, and is followed by the mushroom and the fish modules. The remaining modules are still profitable in combination, but not to an equally large extent. Fruits Vegetables Mushrooms Herbs Fish Chicken meat Eggs (not in kg) Honey 27455 110471 69800 190543 105233 10479 1404000 500 458 1841 6980 38109 7016 233 5200 1250 Polydome: High Performance Polyculture Systems 85 Pagina 84

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