P .4 Optimizing the System Crop Cluster Development The assembly of functional crop clusters involved the use of the various maps and graphics shown on the previous pages as continuous data references. Every time we created a plant grouping, we tested it on various parameters to ensure it wasn’t violating any non-compatibility issues. Key crops were selected as starting points. In most cases, we chose a high value perennial or a prominent annual to form the center of the cluster. We defined soil, pH, and water requirements for that key plant, and then began to assemble useful companion groupings taking into account all the spacial factors listed previously (light, water, and other requirements). The result was a series of crop clusters consisting of 3 - 8 crops each. These clusters are the building blocks of the Polydome system, and can be matched and interchanged depending on the final requirements of the system. Wherever relevant, we also modeled how these crop clusters might change over time. This was significant in the case of trees and large bushes. In the graphical representations here, all trees and crop elements are “scaled” accurately to one another, taking into account their mature height and spread. Year 1 Pea Pea Pea Pea Pea Pea Pea Com Year 6 Apricot Apricot Nectarine Cherry Pear Grape Artichoke Asparagus Bay Laurel Blackberry Blueberry, L Blueberry, H Currant Fig Kiwi Raspberry Rosemary Sorrel Strawberry Tarragon Nas Dill Com ASP Nas On ART Dill ASP Pea On ART Pea Dill Dill Pea On NCT Gar Nas ASP ARTOn ART Nectarine Dill Dill ASP Nectarine Com Pea Pea ART ART ASP Pea Pea Pea On ART ART ASP On Dill Nas Cherry Pear SorSor Sor CR CR CR SorCR Sor CR Sor CR Tom Tom Tom Gar Tom Mar Bor Tom Mar Gar Tom Gar Bor Tom Tom Mar Mar Tom Bor CR Sor CR Sor Tom CR Sor Mar Tom Tom Sor CR CR Bor Gar Bor Grape CR Sor Gar Bor Gar Bor Gar CR Sor CR Sor Bor CR Sor CR Artichoke Gar Asparagus PR Tom Gar Mar Tom Tom CR Sor CR Sor Sor CR Sor CR Sor CR Sor CR Sor CR Gar Pear Bor Gar Bor Gar Bay Laurel Bor CR Sor CR Blackberry Blueberry, L Sor CR Blueberry, H CR CR CR Sor SorSor CR SorCR CR CR Sor Currant Fig Kiwi Tar Bay Bay Tar Bay Bay Rrsm Mrj Tar Bay Bay Tar Bay Mrj Rrsm Mrj Bay Tar Bay Tar Bay Mrj Raspberry Rosemary Fig Bay Tar Bay Bay Fig Bay Tar Bay Bay Sorrel Bay Tar Thm Bay Tar Thm Strawberry Bay Rrsm Bay Rrsm Tarragon Thyme Thyme Marigold Comfrey Nasturtium ASP ASP Rspb Rspb potted plants Rspb Rspb Gar 82 ART ASP ART ART Rspb Rspb Rspb Gar Gar Rspb Gar Marigold ASP ART Gar Gar Rspb Rspb Gar Gar Rspb Gar Gar Rspb Gar Gar Gar Gar Comfrey Nasturtium Pagina 81

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