Fungi Portabello Shiitake Oyster System Boundaries P .2 Alfafa Pea Legumes Beet Broad beans Carrot consists of parsley, sage, mint, thyme, dill, savory, Broccoli Radish Azuki bean Peanut and tarragon, which satisfies local fresh market Chicory Brussel sprouts Lentil needs and part of the dried herb market. Market Horseradish Spinach demand is continuing to grow, in particular for Parsnips Rhubarb marjoram, oregano, sage, thyme, and bay leaves. Potatoes Cauliflower Cucumber Herbs are also increasingly used as natural preTurnip Lettuce servatives and anti-oxidants, particularly in meat Peppers Kale products, which indicates a direction for continued Tomato Kiwi Bok Choy Coffee market expansion. Cabbage Carambola Eggplant Borage Blueberry Cilantro Fruits The main herbs consumed domestically include Apple Dill Strawberry thyme and oregano. There has been an increase Papaya Bay leaf Passion fruit ethnic food consumption,which has driven a in Persimmon Basil demand for certain fresh herbs such as coriander Gooseberry Marjoram Pomegranate Boysenberry leaves. Rosemary Orange Chive Olive Ecological and Organic Produce Peach Herbs Banana Though Dutch interest in “ecological” and orCherry Raspberry ganic food products has been among the lowest Mango Lemon Blackberry in Europe, it is a steadily growing market. As an Apricot Pear Plum example, sales of biological foods rose by 20% in Fig Drupes quarters of 2010, while total supermarket last three Tree Crops Coconut sales rose only 1,8%.4 Cinnamon Chestnut Almond Macademia Walnut Cashew Hazelnut Pistachio Pecan There is growing political and personal interest in Pine nut more sustainable practices, both on a national as Poppy well Sesame as European level. Vegetables posed design is to simply increase the diversity of local production. Though the volume of vegetables produced is very large, the diversity is small, with the majority concentrated among a few common products. Transport, shipping, packaging, and tariffs contribute a very significant percentage of the final costs of products. Saving on these secondary costs by producing a larger variety of foods locally could translate directly into added profits. Opportunities probably also lie in improving the quality of produce in terms of taste, and catering to the growing population of people interested in sustainably produced food. Seeds estock Nuts Cereals/Grains Rye Conclusions Barley Based on this initial market scan, we concluded Sorghum one of the primary opportunities in our prothat Oats 4 Rice Corn Wheat at Pseudocereals Quinoa Flax Amaranth Buckwheat Chia Cattail Polydome: High Performance Polyculture Systems 57 Pagina 56

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