Study Approach P .1 In this Process Document, we step through the major analytical trajectories that were followed to assemble an appropriate test ecosystem for the Polydome model. The Polydome test case described in the Concept Overview was developed using the Symbiosis in Design (SiD) methodology, an integrated approach to multi-disciplinary problem solving. In addition, we relied heavily on several Industrial Ecology tools as well as on the principles of Permaculture design. Industrial Ecology (IE) is a field of research that uses tools for strategically mapping the material inputs and outputs of a system across its entire life cycle. We used an IE approach in quantifying the changes in the approximate material profiles of the model systems in terms of energy, material, water, waste, crop yield, labor, and other flows. The world “permaculture” is a contraction of the words “permanent” and “agriculture.” It is a design philosophy developed in Australia in the 1970s, which has since gained popularity worldwide, but has generally been limited in its influence to rural contexts and field farming. The goal of permaculture is to establish long-term, self-regulating human systems that are largely modeled after natural ecosystems. The primary focus of permaculture is on agricultural design. There are several loose “design principles” contained in the permaculture approach, which include: relying on diversity, ensuring that each element within a system provides multiple beneficial functions, and several others. These principles Polydome: High Performance Polyculture Systems 51 Pagina 50
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