Polydome Concept Overview V.3 Future Development To make the Polydome concept a reality, an ideal next step would be to design and run one or more pilot projects to test specific elements of the proposed model. These experimental greenhouses could examine basic assumptions about crop interactions, actual yield, and the optimization of material flows. Another interesting possibility for a pilot project would be to build a Polydome system with the goal of producing food for a specific community. This would be particularly useful in exploring the direct retailing option and evaluating the true economic performance of the greenhouse. Eventually, new logistical and technological features can be specifically designed to cater to the Polydome system. However, initial pilots can be run in existing greenhouses, particularly those that have been recently decommissioned or that are too old for normal production. Once experimental pilots have been run, a formal business case and design can be developed for a specific Polydome system. Polydome: High Performance Polyculture Systems 47 Pagina 46
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