Polydome Concept Overview V.3 Summary of Annual Yields Category kg / year people supplied Estimated Costs & Earnings of the Polydome Greenhouse 5000000 4000000 Fruits Vegetables Mushrooms Herbs Fish Chicken meat Eggs (not in kg) Honey 27455 110471 69800 190543 105233 10479 1404000 500 458 3000000 1841 Euros 6980 38109 7016 233 5200 2000000 1000000 0 - 1000000 - 2000000 1250 1 Year of operation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Estimated Costs Projected High Earnings most annual food demand for 2.000 - 5.000 people, depending on the particular crop / livestock arrangement and local dietary preferences. Alternatively, rather than scaling productivity to local consumption, the modules could be relatively scaled to one another in order to optimize material cycling. Currently they have been scaled based largely on economic productivity and optimal crop interactions. Projected Low Earnings The highest earnings are generated by the hydroponic system, which has the greatest individual yields per m2. The sales from this module can be significantly lowered, however, while still maintaining a high level of earnings. Return on Investment A typical return on investment for a modern Dutch greenhouse is 7 - 10 years, which in most business sectors is considered quite a long period for achieving returns . In the case of the Polydome greenhouse, we were unable to estimate an exact return on investment Polydome: High Performance Polyculture Systems 41 Pagina 40

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