V.3 Polydome Concept Overview Performance Criteria ENERGY & MATERIALS: GOALS The Polydome Test case was developed using the integrated sustainability development model Symbiosis in Design (SiD). As part of the design process, we also relied on several Industrial Ecology tools and on the principles of Permaculture design. The first step of any SiD process is the determination of goals. While Polydome was designed to be profitable, the goal of the system is not to maximize profits at the cost of everything else. It is primarily a food production system rather than a money production system. The SiD categorization method represented in the graphic below, is a convenient means for developing a comprehensive set of performance targets across various areas of concern. We have developed goals for the Polydome system that address each category. These were used as guidelines throughout the design process. • The Polydome greenhouse is energetically self-sustaining. All lighting, heating, cooling, filtration, and other operations should be powered by renewable energy sources and managed through structurally-integrated energy technologies. • It requires low or zero material inputs from outside the system boundaries. Material inputs should be from renewable sources. • Rainwater collection systems should be installed and water should be conserved to the greatest extent possible. • Material and energy cycles are closed to the greatest extent possible. The system is designed to recover all local materials of value, approaching or achieving “zero waste” status. Health & Happiness A (The Individual) Actions Utility Purpose Culture & Economy A (Society) A Ecosystems & Species A (Life) A • By satisfying the targets named above, Polydome also supports both climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. Energy & Materials (Energy) Space Context Time The SiD categorization system, ELSIA, stands for: Energy (Energy & Materials), Life (Ecosystems & Species), Society (Culture & Economy), the Individual (Health & Happiness), and Actions. 20 Pagina 19

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