42 absence of draught and the disinfection of incoming air to prevent disease being carried into the stables promotes the animals’ growth and the efficient conversion of feed into meat. Modules also make it relatively simple to build flexible agricultural eco-systems where residual substances from one module (e.g. a stable) form the inputs of the other module (e.g. a greenhouse). A modular approach makes it simpler to optimally fine-tune the different flows, while also enabling a more efficient use of space. Modules can form an inspiration for a different approach to food production and consumption. The use of modules offers the flexibility needed to integrate food production with other functions such as home, work and recreation at different scale levels. The principles of modular construction are illustrated on the basis of several examples. In the example of a Chinese Eco-village, a modular set-up permits the flexible combination of diverse functions such as food, energy and water production and waste processing, with cycles being closed wherever possible. This offers opportunities for the step-by-step intensi cation and improvement of productivity in rural China. fi The AgriCentre example, situated in densely-populated river deltas, centres on the opportunities for organic growth by joining up differ ent sectors (e.g. greenhouse, intensive animal farming, aquaculture). Pagina 47
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