35 Other social benefits Chronically ill child Future employer Parents LZK schools Health insurer Costs of nutritional care by schools Payment of nutritional costs to schools Parents’ food bill savings Lower care costs for child (lifelong) Lower health insurance contribution Better quality of life for child Better quality of life for parents More free time for parents Extra future production by child Higher future wage for child Higher future tax child Lower future benefit payments Lower future other costs (aggression, crime) TOTAL −6,324 −1,265 1,265 6,324 1,662 -1,662 B C 2,668 1,369 −205 −958 1,369 −1,369 205 958 D 205 +B 2,668 +C 0 0 0 −2,234 +A+D −5,059 A 1,662 −6,324 0 1,265 1,662+A 0 B C 2,668 1,369 0 0 0 D 639 +A+B+C+D Source: SEO Economic Research Notes: A, B, C and D are positive contributions that were not quantified. The net costs of nutritional care for wider society (all actors together) are equal to the total costs of optimal nutritional care provided by schools less the parents’ food bill savings and work out at €5,059 per child. The quantified benefits based on the assumptions made amount to €5,699 per pupil. On balance, society as a whole will benefit by €640 per child if LZK schools provide optimal nutritional care compared with the situation where such care is absent. On top of this, there are several other benefits that were not quantified. Parents and chronically ill children benefit. Wider society benefits if the savings from less lifetime care for the child (A) and lower future other costs (D) exceed €2,234. What information is necessary for a full cost-benefit analysis? Table 1: Social effects of optimal nutritional care by LZK schools (in € per pupil). A lengthy study into the effects of optimal nutritional care for chronically ill children and their parents is necessary to validate the assumptions made. In addition, a control group consisting of chronically ill children and their parents who do not receive optimal nutritional would need to be monitored. Total Pagina 40
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