Summary 33 Effects of nutritional care by schools for chronically ill children – An exploratory cost-benefit analysis Berden, C. and L. Kok (SEO Economic Research) InnovationNetwork Report no. 10.2.244, Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 2010. Conclusion The net costs of optimal nutritional care by schools for chronically ill children (‘LZK’ schools) for society as a whole are estimated at €5,059 per child. The countervailing benefits consist of lower child care costs, a better quality of life for the child and the parents and, possibly in the future, extra production by the child and lower aggression- and crime-related costs. The total benefits for society resulting from optimal nutritional care by LZK schools will exceed the net costs per child if: • optimal nutritional care by LZK schools gives parents 15 minutes more free time per day; this generates benefits of €2,668. • better nutrition promotes the labour participation rate of the chronically ill by 40% to 41%; this produces benefits of €1,369 per child, and • optimal nutritional care amongst 30% of the children with epilepsy at “LZK” schools leads to savings on care costs of €10,000 in the first and second year; after the optimal nutritional care starts this can lead to lower costs averaging €1,662 per child in the cost-benefits analysis. Pagina 38

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