Summary 55 A new river in Ooijen-Wanssum? An evaluation in the Ooijen-Wanssum ‘New Rivers’ policy process Klooster, S. van ‘t (IVM-VU) and M. Hajer (ASSR-UvA) InnovationNetwork Report 10.2.228, Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 2010. Dutch nature and landscape planning has steadily shifted away from a predominantly state-led and science-based planning system to more regional and interactive planning processes. Accordingly, the past fifteen years have seen many regional planning experiments such as ‘De Blauwe Stad’ in the province of Groningen, ‘Wieringerrandmeer’ in the province of North-Holland and ‘IJsseldelta-Zuid’ (Bypass Kampen). This publication describes and analyses the planning process of Ooijen-Wanssum, which differs from many other processes in that it involves an externally developed concept (New Rivers) being incorporated into an ongoing regional planning process. This evaluation of the Ooijen-Wanssum planning process focuses on knowledge mobilization. The method used to mobilize knowledge (what knowledge must be introduced when and how?) is vital as it can either facilitate or impede regional planning processes. Besides influencing the quality of planning, the applied method also determines the degree to which stakeholders and policymakers can commit to the process and its results. Due to the introduction of an externally developed concept, knowledge mobilization within the Ooijen-Wanssum planning process took place in a highly specific and unique manner. Pagina 62
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