SUMMARY This booklet provides a new vision on the future of Holland’s Green Heart. Innovative solutions are proposed for a more climate proof water system. New perspectives are shown for more sustainable land use. Big changes are necessary. These can deliver benefits for the economy and liveability of Randstad Holland. The main challenge is to cleverly combine climate targets with spatial planning. The key factor for the development of ‘Climate park Green Heart’ is a structural transformation of the water system. The most striking feature is the strategy for the reclaimed land in former lakes. These areas are several meters under sea level and need to be continuously pumped dry. It is proposed to partially fill them with sand and return the remainder to open water. Within Randstad Holland there is a great need for new housing areas for which these new sandy areas are ideal. The inundated parts enhance the capacity for water storage in the Green Heart, which is important for climate adaptation. In peat areas, measures are required to stop the sinking of the soil caused by agricultural drainage. Putting an end to the continuous lowering of water levels over time can do this. Instead, water levels should be fixed or even raised. For agriculture this means further intensification is no longer possible, but new opportunities arise for small-scale farming, nature and recreation. These kinds of land use fit very well within the policy for the so-called ‘Groene Ruggengraat’, a robust ecological and recreational corridor throughout the Green Heart. Large-scale farming is better suited to the clay soils alongside the rivers. These soils are more solid and less vulnerable to sinking. All this calls for a change of policy. Present focus is too much on conservation. A case is made for a more future oriented development strategy. A good example is the strategy for the IBA-Emscherpark in Germany. Here in ten years, the impoverished industrial region of the Ruhrgebied has been transformed into a cultural hot spot and an international tourist destination. This success is due to a combination of independent control, flexible implementation, powerful organisation and creative dynamics. A likewise approach could help to turn the Green Heart step by step into a unique Cilmate park. 47 Pagina 48

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