28 performance indicators on which the Health Inspectorate assesses hospitals. Children with chronic disorders are more prone to malnutrition than healthy children. The nutrition of healthy Dutch children in general is below standard and does not meet the applicable guidelines. Nutritional interventions at schools improve the quality of nutrition. A survey of various studies shows that the provision of meals at schools with socio-economically disadvantaged children has a positive impact on various medical and mental performance indicators. And good nutrition is even more important for chronically ill children than for their healthy peers. The main conclusion of this literature study is that nutritional care forms an indispensable part of the medical treatment of children with chronic disorders. Effective nutritional care contributes towards a more favourable disease course, decreases the need for care, improves the quality of life, reduces school absenteeism and prevents longerterm complications. All these things together create better educational opportunities for the children involved. The specific dietary requirements demand continuous attention for the choice of the type and amount of food provided. Children up to the age of 12 need expert support in learning how to deal with this independently. Clearly therefore, effective nutritional care is a question of continuous care and, in view of its medical importance, should be provided without fail at schools for chronically ill children. Pagina 33
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