Summary 55 A question of taste – Towards a saline economy Bade, Tom (Triple E) InnovationNetwork Report no 10.2.236, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 2010. The Netherlands is increasingly confronted with salinization. There are various options for tackling this issue in the coming years. This report outlines what the consequences will be if the policy-makers decide to allow salinization. In addition, we have proposed measures for mitigating or averting these consequences. The consequences of allowing salinization are clear for various uses of the land in polders that are currently flushed with fresh water to avoid salinization. In the current situation, salinization causes the agriculture sector few, if any, problems. The Water Board maintains proper water levels, flushes land and ensures a sufficient supply of fresh water (if necessary). The sector expects these tasks to be carried out so that it can continue growing high-quality agricultural products. However, despite the Water Board’s efforts, farmers in lower-lying areas of the Netherlands are by definition adversely affected to a certain extent by salinization. If salinization is no longer prevented because the Water Boards decide that the extra costs of flushing the land (or supplying fresh water) are no longer acceptable or because the Water Boards are no longer physically capable of flushing the polders, then this will have (major) consequences for farmers. The sector will be confronted with a large loss of income, which will force it to consider changing over to alternative crops. With the aid of the proposed measures, some of the farmers will be able to carry out this transition successfully. Pagina 62

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