Referenties 25 • Burns, R.T et al, Laboratory and in-situ reductions of soluble phosp • • horus in swine waste slurries, Environmental Technology, Vol. 22 (2001), p. 1273-1278. Liao, W. et al, Co-production of fumaric acid and chitin from a nitrogen-rich lignocellulosic material - dairy manure – using a pelletized filamentous fungus Rhizopus oryzae ATCC 20344, Bioresource technology, Vol. 99 (2008), p. 5859-5866. Schuiling, R.D. et al, Recovery of struvite from calf manure, Environmental technology, Vol. 20 (1999), p. 765-768. 103301_Binnen.indd 25 18-05-2010 13:16:16 Pagina 32
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